5 Simple Ways To Motivate Yourself For A Morning Exercise

Morning has to be one of the best times for a quick exercise and we know the benefits of regular exercises and the positive effects it has on the body. But, honestly, many people experience difficulty in sticking with an exercise routine for various reasons.

So here are 5 quick ways for you to motivate yourself and get in the mood for some physical action.

#1. Eat and drink light and right


Many people’s morning routine already involve eating breakfast. So why not push it back earlier so that start your breakfast 15 minutes earlier and gain 10 minutes for a quick workout. It is also crucial that you choose the right beverage to start the day. Tea, coffee or chocolate works as they contain stimulants to inject a dose of alertness into your body – priming it for a workout.

#2. It doesn’t have to be intense

Many people get scared off by the word ‘exercise’ because it seems to entail a lot of pain, time and sweat. Well, here’s a piece of good news: it doesn’t have to be intense! Of course, you should always make time for more strenuous exercises but regular 5-10 minutes exercises are extremely beneficial too.

Examples includes: brisk walking; push ups; yoga; stretching exercises; and even Qi Gong.

#3. Get an exercise buddy

It helps if you can get your family or friend to join you for an early morning routine. This not only helps in motivating you to exercise, it makes you accountable as well and commits you more to the exercise routine.

#4. Get enough sleep!


This is vital for performance and productivity but also for your overall fitness. Naturally, having a good night’s rest would give you more energy and stamina to engage in the morning physical exercises.

#5. Reward yourself


Don’t go crazy on ice cream after every morning exercise but it is a good idea to reward yourself – perhaps with a cone of ice cream at the end of the week provided you did x number of exercises x number of times in the past week.

Ultimately, your quick exercises doesn’t necessarily have to be in the morning but the key here is to devote some important ‘me time’ to do some sort of exercise be it in the evening or afternoon. After all, this body is all we’ve got so we should take very good care of it!

This is a guest blog post from the editors over at More Motivation. For a strong dose of motivation, inspiration and lots of practical advice on improving work productivity and achieving success, head over to MoreMotivation.com

